The only positive that came out of today was the ceremony on the closing of Shea Stadium with a touching farewell. The final Pitch thrown by none other than, the NY Met's Leader in Wins, Tom Seaver to Mike Piazza. And as they desended into center field the lights were shut off to never be turned on again. They locked up a home where many great players played. Where many people called a second home. Where magic was made. Where the '69 Mets became the Miracle Mets. Where The '86 Mets made it clear they were going to be the best bad ass team in baseball. Where Mike Piazza, on Sept 21, 2001, Hit a HR to give us something to smile about after 9/11. Shea Staium will forever hold a place in my Heart and will never be forgotten.
I still do not agree with moving out of Shea Stadium. I know that it's time for change, that Shea Stadium is old and has it's great memories so it's time to move on, but not going to Shea anymore and moving to the new Citi Field is going to be so ackward. I'm going to miss Shea Stadium very much. That to me was a place that I am never down no matter what is going on in life. It's time to see if Citi Field can do the same Shea Stadium did for me.
Shea Stadium
1964- 2008
2nd year in a row dogs. what's really good?
I don't know man I'm just heart broken and left speechless
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